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SIDES Additional Fact-Finding exchange noted by intermeshed gears

Learn More About Each SIDES Exchange

We offer six different exchanges. Use the dropdown menu below to learn more about each exchange.


Exchange puzzle wheel with Additional Fact Finding piece highlighted

About the Additional Fact-Finding Exchange

The ADF exchange permits the state to electronically submit unique questions to the employer/TPA while investigating a claim. The employer to TPA will be able to electronically respond; providing the additional information electronically.


Purpose of the Additional Fact-Finding Exchange

The SIDES Additional Fact-Finding or ADF exchange is utilized to send follow-up questions on Separation Information (SI), Monetary & Potential Charges (MPC), and Earnings Verification (EV). Responding electronically to inquiries allows the state workforce agency to make timely, accurate determinations. Using SIDES, UI adjudicators can send up to ten unique questions to employers, Third-Party Administrators (TPAs), and Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) to gather additional, pertinent information.



Benefits of the Additional Fact-Finding Exchange

  • Eliminate claim investigation delays due to unique questions
  • Speed up processing by getting questions quickly and securely answered
  • Receive decisions quickly and timely
  • Eliminate reliance on mail or fax
  • Reduce staff time
Single Additional Fact-Finding Exchange Puzzle Piece

NASWA UI Information Technology Support Center
In Partnership with USDOL
444 North Capitol Street, NW | Suite 300 Washington, DC 20001