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RFI: Best Practices to Inform the Open Unemployment Insurance Initiative

The purpose of this RFI is to inform NASWA on best practices for creating, managing, and delivering the Open Unemployment Insurance (UI) Initiative in order to:

  1. Define and develop the Open UI Framework (creating a standardized module set with interoperability protocols and establishing system requirements); and
  2. Establish governance for the Open UI Framework (creating the organizations and process required to sustain and improve the Open UI Framework over time).

Request for Information Document

The Request for Information document can be found here: RFI (PDF)

Request for Clarification and Questions

NASWA received numerous que​stions in response to the RFI released on June 3, 2024. NASWA’S Open UI Initiative appreciates these thoughtful questions and has provided answers as feasible. Not all questions have been answered; in many cases, specific questions addressed topics where decisions are yet to be made. This RFI is a critical tactic to help the Initiative make such decisions. If your question was unanswered, please use that as an opportunity to share your thoughts, perspectives, preferences, or experiences related to those topics in response to “Section J: Open Response” or another relevant section.

You can find the questions and answers here​.

Submission Due Date

RFI responses shall be submitted on or before June 28, 2024, to the Open UI Initiative ( in a format that is readable in Microsoft Word or as a PDF. NASWA will not accept hard-copy responses or other formats. All responses to this RFI shall contain “Open UI RFI Response” in the response email’s subject line.


NASWA UI Information Technology Support Center
In Partnership with USDOL
444 North Capitol Street, NW | Suite 300 Washington, DC 20001